Cooking Up Some Fun

We are so excited to share our last Lit Tip of 2020! We have been cooking and baking a lot more in our homes since #COVID hit and have found it therapeutic while also engaging our kiddos in hands-on activities to ease the craziness of being at home. Cooking is an amazing way to get all of our kiddos’ sense involved in their literacy development, with the added bonus of being able to munch and enjoy the deliciousness you made together.

Studies show that we retain 75% of what we DO and only 5% of what we HEAR. Through experiential learning like cooking, our kiddos develop better comprehension skills and are equipped with life skills when exposed to a real-life learning experience. So let’s put our aprons on and hop in the kitchen!

Need a good read and some yummy recipes to try? Check out the books included at the end of this Lit Tip:

Book Titles include:

Cora Cooks Pancit by Dorina K. Lazo Gilmore (@leeandlow Books)
The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred by @samantha.vamos (@charlesbridgepublishing)
Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by @noblemaillard (Roaring Book Press)
Whopper Cake by @karmawilsonbooks and @willhillenbrand (Margaret K. McElderry Books)
Rainbow Stew by Cathryn Falwell (@leeandlow Books)


Books as Mirrors and Windows


Lit Tip: Show Me Your Story